This Week's News: Residents are submitting noise complaints - they say, loud music keeps blasting at night! (Click to read the whole article!)

What is An Anaon?

An Anaon, or also known as just Anaon, is a... well, I don't really know what it is. It's a business, apartment-like location... thing. Look, I have no idea what it is specifically. I think I'll have to ask Aurel about that soon.

But, what it is, basically, is a place where people can reside, doing small jobs for me or my brother, after they have given up their soul to either of us.

To understand it better, go to the about tab. Dani will be writing that one, so it'll be more... comprehensible.

Why is it called An Anaon?

I'm getting Aurel for this one.
He says:

"Anaon was something I heard quite a lot as a child. My parents were people that believed deeply in mythology, and they would often tell me stories that about it. Anaon was one thing they told me about. Anaon referred to, I think, the afterworld or afterlife. I can also recall there being something called The Anaon, or An Anaon. Now, that's... something else entirely. I'd rather not get into it right now, really. Maybe some other time."

"All you truly have to know is that those stories really stuck to me. And, when I got here, to the Underworld... well, when I had to name this place, that was just the first thing that came to my mind. This place is not representative of what Anaon really is, though."

Alrighttttttttt, that was a lot. But you get the gist of it.
+ An Anaon roughly translates to 'The Dead', if you haven't picked up on it yet.

How do I become a part of An Anaon?

That's simple! First of all, you have to fill out a form, which you can easily find by going to submit. There, you can put some information about yourself that'll help us figure out if you're qualified enough to be apart of Anaon.

However, do NOT put any actual confidential information here. We don't need that. Plus, there's still some stuff I don't understand about coding, so there's a chance that such information could get in the wrong hands. So, y'know, don't put any confidential info when you submit, alright? We don't need that kind of information to figure out if you're eligible for residency here, anyways.

Just answer what's being asked in the form.