This Week's News:

Loud music keeps blasting in Building A, Residents complain!
By Dani Frejsen

Numerous residents from housing building A, floors 2-4, have submitted several noise complaints, ranting about loud, deafeaning rock music playing throughout the week. An interviewed resident says, "Whoever's making all that ruckus is completely ignorant to how much it bothers the other residents!"

This week, a number of complaints have been sent to Anaon Founder, Aurel Gray's office. The complaints talked about extremely loud music emitting from housing building A, floor 3. Initially, the complaints were put aside. But, after seeing the effects the noise had on many residents from building A, Aurel Gray sent an investigation team out to handle the situation.

In order to find the source of the noise, the investigation team visited those that filed complaints on the matter. One resident, Gus Ripper, from floor 3 says, "It's been, like, really annoying, man... Like, how am I supposed to get some rest if that music keeps playing every single night? I harvest souls day and night, it'll be hard to keep doing that if this noise keeps happening!" The resident continued to entail how much the noise had affected their work productivity, then ending it with, "I, like, need this guy to quiet down now. For my sake and everyone else's."

After gathering all the information from building A residents, the investigation had, now, deduced the exact location of the culprit producing the noise. Based on what they have gathered, the team had narrowed it down to none other than the infamous musician of the Underworld himself, Gabi Voltz.

Gabi Voltz, two-time Meddie winner, well-known for his contributions to the revolutionary changes of popular music in the Underworld, is an extremely popular resident within An Anaon. He was well-liked in the area, especially with the others living in building A, alongside him. However, after sleuthing out this information - finding out that he was the one at fault for the noise complaints - it seems as though his popularity, as well as his reputation, has decreased exponentially among the other residents.

Our investigation team was quick to confront Gabi Voltz about this. Upon telling him about the complaints in relation to him, he says, "I didn't know I was disturbing so many people! If I had only known, then I would've stopped."
"What makes you think that playing music that loud would've been okay?" One member of the investigation team, Crane Gray, asked.
"Uh... Well, Crane, weren't you there? Remember? I asked Aurel for permission to use the music room to practice for my upcomin' show, and he said 'no' because there were some other people using it."
"Oh... Well, uh."

After a while of talking, Gabi Voltz agreed to stop playing such loud music within building A. He apologized deeply for his actions and says he'll do better in the future. "I'm sorry for all the trouble, really. I just- I thought it was okay. I mean, I have a big show next week, so I needed to practice. But, I know that doesn't really justify everything I've done this past week. I'm sorry everyone."

Now, it seems that everything in building A has gone back to normal. However, how long will it take for another problem to arise? Only time will tell. But, for now, it's safe to say that all you residents in building A can rest easy tonight. Tomorrow is yet another day.