Who is Crane Gray?

Crane Gray is a young man that resides in the depths of the Underworld, in Anaon.

Okay, I don't know what to say next.

So, I'll just cut to the chase. Look, I'm Crane Gray. I'm the proclaimed brother of Anaon's founder, Aurel Gray. And yadda-yadda, some other stuff...

I'm also kind of the second in command in this place! Though, a lot of people seem to forget that... hm... Uh, Anyways!

I'm the one who made An Anaon's official website from scratch (in just one week, by the way!)
Oh, and right! Do NOT look at the website's coding. It's incredibly messy - and it's always best to protect your eyes from such a mess.

Or do. I don't really care. Just don't go crying to me when you see the coding's bad.

Things I've been thinking about recently // 6-21-20XX

For some reason there are some parts of the website I can't access?? I have no idea what that's about. There's still so much I don't know about coding...

It's probably nothing, though!

But, still, be careful around certain parts of the site. If you end up in gods-know-where, then it isn't my fault. I warned you!

Also, I think I might get carpal tunnel soon. My wrist keeps hurting. I should probably go to Polly for a check-up.